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Concealed Carry Masters Course
Online Registration Page 

Submit one form for each student registering.​


ATTENTION READ CAREFULLY. Please select from the available class dates shown below. Once the form is submitted properly, you will receive a confirmation message on this page with further instructions. You may have to click the SUBMIT button more than once! You MUST pay either a $100 non-refundable downpayment or pay in full ($300) at the time of registration to reserve your seat.


By submitting this application, the student agrees to abide by any and all safety procedures required by Brothers N Arms, LLC. Safety is the MOST important issue and instruction may be terminated at any time if the student is determined to be unsafe to themselves and/or other students and staff.​


If you have any questions regarding the class you have selected, please contact Joseph Green by phone at (601) 325-5610 or email at



Available class dates:​​​

  1. Friday & Saturday, November 11-12th, (Register NOW)

To EC sign up form

This is the last step. Save your spot by choosing a payment option. 

Option one - Pay in Full

Option two - down payment 

The Concealed Carry Masters Course

ATTENTION this is a physically active course. The student must be physically capable of bending, squatting, going to the ground and getting back up, light jogging, etc. You may be asked to provide current proof from a physician that you are physically capable of performing strenuous physical activity. Also, students must be able to safely draw the pistol from concealment and be able to move from position to position while following all universal firearm safety rules. If you violate ANY firearm safety rule you will be asked to leave! No questions asked.


During a critical incident, you don’t rise to your level of expectation but fall to the level of your TRAINING. The CHOICE is yours!


The concealed carry masters (CCM) course is an advanced two-day 16-hour course designed to prepare you for the realities of deadly force self-defense encounters. Day one starts with two hours in the classroom followed by six hours on the range incorporating live fire tactics and drills. Day two starts on the range and continues in an enclosed structured environment with simunition-based force-on-force response scenarios.


Material to be covered includes but is not limited to the following:


  • Preparing the citizen defender for immediate, spontaneous, lethal attacks.

  • Preparing the citizen defender for dealing with assaults by multiple threats as well as uninvolved subjects.

  • Preparing the citizen defender to conduct critical thinking and empower them to make decisions based on the situation or scenario.

  • Integration of transitional training from hands-on and control techniques, including hand-to-hand techniques.

  • Integration of the one-handed firing of a handgun. (both strong and support hands, plus reloading)

  • Integration of close-quarter structure searching and clearing plus indoor combat tactics.

  • Integration of moving then shooting, and moving while shooting techniques. (Get off the “X”, ID Procedures, and PESC)

  • Integration of engagement techniques for moving targets, both laterally and charging linearly.

  • The choice to intervene in a violent encounter, considering the totality of circumstances, or be a good witness.

  • The choice to intervene, to stop the violence, must have the right mindset and total commitment to winning by utilizing a higher level of violence delivered quickly and accurately

  • The choice to train tactically with a weapon and carry method that maximizes quick deployment and combat accuracy to ensure a quick end to the encounter.

  • The choice to have a well-thought-out plan to survive the secondary encounter with responding officers.

  • Knowledge of the Penal Code, and Federal Case Law.

  • Psychology of disaster response and critical thinking concerning levels of intervention.

  • Integrating your family preparedness plan.

  • One of the biggest issues pertaining to a citizen's response in plain clothes is that they can be confused as the suspect by responding officers. CCM provides tactics, and link-up procedures, and addresses appropriate mindset in order to mitigate tragedies resulting from misidentification.

Course Requirements

STUDENT MATERIALS: Please bring or be equipped with the following, at the start of class:


  1. A handgun (with at least three magazines) chambered in 9 mm, .40, or .45 caliber.

  2. A safe and reliable concealment holster made for the student's specific weapon(s), with or without a security device, configured so the handgun can be re-holstered with one hand.

  3. Students are reminded that when selecting a holster, “The grip they draw with, is the grip they shoot with.” So, please consider factors, such as how high the holster rides, and the tilt/cant of the grip. 

  4. A heavy-duty belt to support the holster.

  5. At least two shirts (one knit type with no buttons & one with buttons that will open completely) that will cover and conceal the handgun.

  6. Eye and ear protection.

  7. Two white or light-colored t-shirts to cover target configurations. - (These will be shot numerous times so count on throwing them away)

  8. 350 rounds of ammunition - minimum


*Important Note - Students are required to report for class, dressed in street clothing, armed with their concealed handgun, in the manner they normally carry in plain clothes.

** Students are encouraged to bring more than one handgun, which they may carry in plain-clothes capacity.

*** The class requires a standard degree of physical fitness. The training is layered and designed not to exceed the individual's capabilities.

**** Due to time constraints, it is suggested students bring a lunch each day. Also, bring hydration.

***** Day two bring personal protective gear for simunition force-on-force scenarios. We provide masks and sim guns.

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Brothers N Arms, LLC

4657 US Hwy 49

Hattiesburg, MS 39401

(601) 325-5777 For Membership Questions

(601) 325-5610 For Training Questions



Copyright © 2023 Brothers N Arms, LLC | All Rights Reserved 

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